Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)

We are excited to introduce a new procedure to complement your healing journey: the Stellate Ganglion Block💉(SGB)! This PAGE is designed to help you understand SGB, how it works, and what you can expect during and after the treatment.

What is a Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)?

SGB is an outpatient procedure involving an injection of a local anesthetic & steroid near the stellate ganglion, a cluster of nerves in your neck. This 15-30 minute treatment aims to ease symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related mood disorders by offering a RESET to your body's stress response system. Read more about the science here.

Understanding the Stellate Ganglion

The stellate ganglion is part of your sympathetic nervous system, responsible for your "fight-or-flight" response. Trauma can cause this system to become overactive, leading to prolonged stress responses that can manifest as depression, anxiety, insomnia, and more. SGB helps by temporarily numbing the stellate ganglion, interrupting this overactivity and allowing your nervous system to RESET.

Procedure Overview

 Before Treatment:  Fill out an intake form and have a consultation with Dr. Ko  Next, review and sign the consent form. Continue taking your medications as usual. Plan for someone to drive you home post-treatment.

-  During Treatment:  Relax in a comfortable chair while we administer a local anesthetic to the targeted areas. The procedure uses Butterfly IQ3+ ultrasound guidance with biplane imaging and Needle Vizâ„¢ technology to ensure accuracy and is completed within 15-30 minutes.

-  After Treatment:  You will be monitored in the clinic for a short time period. Please expect to experience minor, temporary side effects like Horner's syndrome, which include droopy eyelid, redness of the eye on the treated side, & a hoarse voice. These effects indicate the procedure's success and resolve within 24 hours. Other effects like nasal congestion, headache, and mild soreness at the injection site may occur but are easily manageable.

Is SGB Right for You?

While most research on SGB has focused on PTSD and chronic pain, it may also benefit those with anxiety & long COVID symptoms. Also, it is best used as an adjunct to psychotherapy, counseling, medications, & lifestyle changes. We encourage you to discuss with our team to determine if SGB is a suitable addition to your treatment plan.

Benefits and Safety

SGB has been used for nearly a century, primarily for chronic pain relief, before its benefits for PTSD and mood disorders were recognized. Research and patient experiences suggest significant relief from PTSD symptoms, with some finding ongoing benefits from a single treatment. At our clinic, SGB is administered by an emergency physician trained in bedside ultrasound use, ensuring a safe and effective experience.

Integrating SGB with Ketamine Therapy

SGB can also potentially complement the beneficial effects of ketamine therapy, contributing to a holistic approach to your wellness. This combination may help some achieve mental clarity, improve mood, reduce anxiety, fight-flight-flee symptoms, and enhance overall well-being.

Our Commitment

Our goal is to partner with you in finding the most effective treatments for your mental and physical health. SGB offers a promising option for resetting and healing from the impacts of trauma and mood disorders, providing a foundation for further positive changes in your life.

For more information or to discuss whether SGB is right for you, please reach out to us. Also you can sign up below to stay updated on when we will start offering the procedure for our patients