Once upon a time, there was a frog who lived in a well and he had lived there his entire life. One day, a frog from the ocean came to visit him. The ocean frog said, "Wow, this is a really nice place you have here but I come from the ocean." The well frog had never been there so he asked the ocean frog, "What is the ocean? The ocean frog said, "It's a huge body of water. It just goes on and on." The well frog looked around and said, "Is the ocean two times the size of my well?" The ocean frog said, “No, it's bigger." So the well frog asked, "Is it ten times the size of my well?” The ocean frog said, "No, it's even bigger." The well frog asked again, "Is it a hundred times bigger than my well?” The ocean frog said, "No, it's even bigger."
The well frog was determined to actually go and see this ocean that was described as even bigger than the well he had lived in his entire life. So the two frogs packed up all their stuff and made a journey to the ocean. It took days and weeks. Ultimately, they finally reached the shores of the ocean. As they approached the water, the ocean frog said, "Look! This is the ocean.” The good frog turned and looked at the ocean, and his head EXPLODED!
What’s the point of this story and why do we want to share this with you? Just to be clear, if you or a frog receives ketamine your head will NOT physically explode! This story featuring our amphibian friends illustrates how our mindset can be limited. BUT, when we gain knowledge or have a new experience, our paradigm can shift and our mind can expand. Ketamine can potentially facilitate this mind expansion!
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr
When we have anxiety, chronic pain, or depression our mind can get stuck in a rut - also known as rumination within the default mode network. Thought patterns emerge which further hurt and potentially prevent our healing. For example, if you believe feeling better isn’t possible or that your pain is something you deserve to have in life, you are no different from the good frog believing his little well is all that exists. Your mind is limited and what is possible remains the same way.
Counseling and therapy, over months and years, can eventually help you shift your beliefs around your anxiety and pain. But for some people that takes too long. Also, some may have tried this already and have reached a plateau in their progress. Ketamine may provide that mind-altering experience during a series of infusions. You might be a good frog and suddenly see the vast ocean to realize how much is possible in your life.
When you have the epiphany or profound healing experience, you are laying the foundation of creating a new story for your pain. This may lead to letting go of a belief or story which no longer serves you. You can create new thought patterns and beliefs which will further aid you in your healing and transformational journey.
Explore Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGBs) as a non-hormonal option for hot flashes. Learn how they work, who they help, and what to expect.