Our Reviews
“Dr. Ko and his staff embody an excellent example of an integrative, medically sound approach to the treatment of body, mind, and spirit imbalances. The power of ketamine to transform is manifested in Dr Ko’s office where “East meets West” ... his Western medical training (use of prior medical records, vital sign monitoring, dosage regulation) and wholistic practices of Eastern medicine (ritual, presence, compassion) provide a setting for confidence and comfort. To be accompanied by Dr. Ko and his staff in one’s journey of discovery and healing is priceless!! One last note, I have had very positive experiences with Ketamine infusions from another provider, but have found the totality of my experience with Dr. Ko and his staff to be superior in every way!!”
“Reset Ketamine has been a wonderful experience for me from beginning to my last treatment. They got in touch quickly when I first reached out to them. They carefully got all my medical records from my internist to make sure that I had no medical contradictions for the treatments. They have a very nice and professional office. The staff are very caring and responsive. They quickly respond to emails.
Dr. Ko carefully explained everything beforehand. Vital signs are continuously checked. Everything seemed very safe. He’s probably one of the few physicians in the area who truly understands complex PTSD. My depression and anxiety improved after 2 sessions. I developed some insights about past trauma which I was able to explore further in therapy. He WANTS to help you heal!”
“Dr. Ko and his staff are an incredible resource for healing. Dr. Ko’s presence is strong, intelligent, open hearted, and comforting. The levels of safety that I require from practitioners are very high, especially in treatment such as this, and Dr. Ko is incredibly compassionate, clear, and full of integrity. His staff are kind, present and engaged. Dr. Ko really really CARES about his patients and his staff.
I have suffered from complex PTSD since I was 18 years old. I have done a staggering amount of healing work, meditation, yoga, therapy, introspection, Somatic Experiencing, and IFS. I am deeply aware of my patterns, triggers and have an intricate understanding of how trauma impacts the nervous system.
All of that study and self work was not enough, I was still startled in my own home, plagued with flashbacks, and unable to find mental and emotional balance for longer than two or three weeks.
Ketamine therapy, for me, was a key that fit a lock that needed unlocking. After receiving my 6 infusions, I am able to self-soothe in places inside me, that before my infusions, were critical, self-abusive, and despondent.
I see the benefits of ketamine every day in my life, mostly around how I am able to detach from the mental tangle and compounded stress that complex PTSD creates in the moment. I believe ketamine is a true medicine. I believe it is a true medicine that works wonders if one is also willing to do the deep work of facing the traumas that keep one in mental, emotional and physical bondage.
I am so grateful to have found Dr. Ko, I feel that ketamine infusions for mental health are the wave of the future and I am so grateful that Dr. Ko is here on the front lines of evolution and standing for wholistic health!”
“I have struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life. I read about ketamine treatment for anxiety and depression. Fortunately for me, Dr. Ko at, Reset Ketamine, provides ketamine infusion sessions in Palm Springs. During my ketamine infusion I experienced an altered state. This altered state provided new insights, unblocked my anxiety, and helped connect me to me and the world around me. Dr. Ko’s approach and support helped make the ketamine experience more meaningful. I highly recommend Dr. Ko and Reset Ketamine.”
“For most of my life, I’ve endured depression and PTSD, and I’ve tried everything - talk therapy, support groups, diet, exercise programs, meditation, retreats, art, writing, EMDR, self defense classes, self-help books, church, acupuncture, dietary supplements, over-the-counter remedies and prescription meds. Two years after I met Dr. Ko, after tremendous hesitation on my part, I decided to give Reset Ketamine a try. I was reluctant because this treatment felt extreme and I was uncomfortable with the idea of a drug infusion, but the possibility of relief finally won over my hesitation. I chose Reset Ketamine because I liked Dr. Ko’s integration of spirituality with science, and I felt a genuineness and commitment to healing from him and every member of his staff. His East-meets-West approach resonates with my own philosophy, so finally, at the urging of my husband and my GP, I made an appointment. For me, the results were immediate. I couldn’t believe that my life-long burden had been lifted at last, and I find myself enjoying my family, my hobbies, and my energy level with a renewed sense of happiness and contentment. I sleep better and feel more productive and focused. I am so grateful that I gave myself the life-changing gift of the time, money, and energy of this cure.
Before I decided to post this review, I weighed my need for personal privacy with my sense of obligation to a greater good, and I determined that if my experience could help pull even one person from the misery of depression, it would be worth it. If you are struggling with depression, I urge you to give Dr. Ko and Reset Ketamine a try.”
“Very different approach from what I’m used to but every aspect of my Ketamine infusion went amazingly..Dr. Ko, his staff, the entire atmosphere & experience couldn’t have been better - plus my pain is already better! I’ll definitely go back.”
“Dr. Ko does a fantastic job of making you feel as comfortable as possible during this process. He truly cares for your mental and spiritual health and you can feel his genuine compassion towards you as the patient.
I have been in therapy for two years and tried a couple of anti-depressants, but nothing helped me turn off the chatter in my brain like ketamine.
Dr. Ko also made many recommendations outside of the ketamine infusions like changes to my eating, sleeping, exercise habits. His guidance has made an enormous positive difference in my life and overall well being.
Many other doctors that perform similar ketamine treatments offered me what felt like a surgical, uncomfortable doctors office setting for my infusions. Dr. Ko’s holistic and spiritual components made me feel safe and relaxed for what was a really intimidating journey at first. After my first infusion, I kept looking forward to going back!
I used to feel like Life was a giant boulder in front of me that I was struggling to push up a hill. I was exhausted and brought to my limit. I now feel like the boulder is much lighter, and I actually look forward to pushing it.”
“What I thought was a failure was really a success. As I experienced the initial 6 ketamine treatments at Reset Ketamine I did not experience any relief or very little, it wasn’t until two days after returning home that about 90% of my peripheral neuropathy disappeared from my feet. Sunday morning was like a miracle, I woke up, and the pain was gone. What I thought had been a complete failure was a success. Thank you, Dr. Sam Ko and staff. ”
“Over a year after my beautiful husband of 30 years died, I was enmeshed in unrelenting fear and sadness. I was debilitated by grief. Dr. Ko, of Reset Ketamine, is the guide that took me on a journey of healing and discovery, and set me on the path to my future. After years of psychotherapy, EMDR and TMS that placed temporary bandaids on my brain, and medications that failed to work for anxiety, depression and PTSD, I researched and found the solution that had a real physical impact on my brain’s neurogenesis and neuroplasticity (creation of new nerve growth and connections that allow the brain to change and adapt in response to experiences, allowing for better focus and management of emotions over time). The changes began immediately after my first infusion. My brain began to quiet itself. My thoughts were clearer, and my focus was no longer overpowered by the brains incessant chatter and rumination. The ketamine infusions gave me the powerful boost I needed to break out of the emotional turmoil of feeling stuck, and begin moving forward with my life.
As a retired Registered Nurse, who is discerning about anything I put in my body, I discovered a healing environment at Reset Ketamine. It was so freeing to be able to totally trust Dr. Ko, whose professional approach is one of immense caring, honesty, and diligence in helping the patient prepare the mind and body for the journey of ketamine infusions. Being an Emergency Physician and trained in spiritual healing, Dr. Ko always had my safety in mind. He and his assistant Nia were physically by my side the entire time monitoring my blood pressure, oxygen level, respirations and heart rhythm. I believe their attention to every detail for comfort, specialized play list, and ceremony provided the environment critical to optimum outcome.
Following Dr Ko’s recommendations for healthy eating, journaling & meditation, staying clear of tv, negative news stories, and social media to prepare my brain and body, was necessary for an optimum experience.
The infusions were other worldly beautiful, but the healing continues afterward with integration coaching. The spiritual journey is a bonus that allowed me to explore avenues more thoroughly than I’ve ever known.
Dr. Ko was my last best hope, and I am fortunate the universe was my guide to his doorstep.”
“Dr. Ko was helpful in addressing the issues that required ketamine treatment.
As a physician, I was most impressed with his comprehensive approach and explanation of the treatment.”
“I went to Dr.Ko as a last resort—-I’ve been to over 30 doctors. Yes..30! From general practitioners to Internists, from psychiatrists to hypnotists...even faith healers. You name it, I tried it. My chiropractor experience to the tune of $15,000.00 robbed me not only of my money but of my faith in ever finding help. I developed severe anxiety and depression. My physical problem of excessive cortisol caused me to be in constant “fight or flight”. I couldn’t break the cycle. 3 hours of interrupted sleep was a good night for me. I became totally house bound and dysfunctional.
Dr. Ko and his staff saved me. I was about to give up and felt resigned to live my life in physically misery. Suicide even crossed my mind... Dr. Ko changed that and gave me back my life. I can not express my gratitude. I will be forever grateful that I found Dr. Ko. Ketamine is a wonderful therapy...but Dr. Ko and his staff brought it all together with his knowledge, compassion, and extreme empathy. I feel that they were completely invested in me personally. My experience with RESET KETAMINE of Palm Springs saved me. I can not say enough! ”
“I was nervous about trying Reset Ketamine therapy, but my desire to make some positive, real, and lasting changes was stronger. I was recommended to Dr. Ko from a good friend who I love, admire and respect. Her positive reviews were so strong and compelling; I decided to go for it. The experience far exceeded my expectations. The extremely thoughtful holistic approach to wellness (by Dr. Ko) is what made the experience so impactful in a positive way. A month later, I’ve noticed a palpable shift in my outlook, gained valuable perspective, and my anxiety levels are reduced (because I see things differently). Every month (for 20 years) I’ve experienced some serious (endometriosis related) pain. But not so this past month. Coincidence? My partner and a sibling intend to sign up for sessions, and I plan to return for more sessions as well.”
“My experience with Reset Ketamine, Dr. Ko, and his staff were all extremely positive. After six treatments I have more energy, less lower back pain, more insight, and a brighter outlook. I especially like the blending of Eastern and Western medicine. Dr. Ko is a true believer in his work and it does work!”
“I finished my 6 session RESET a couple weeks ago and I am feeling fantastic. After a lifetime of dealing with depression, anxiety, and PTSD (among other mental disorders) I’d nearly surrendered to living out the rest of my life in misery. But Dr. Ko and his top notch staff have changed my life. The ketamine infusions allowed me to let go and hear the messages the universe has for me and integrate these messages into my daily life. Dr. Ko truly is a healer and his staff are all angels. Deciding to have the Reset Ketamine experience may be the best, kindest, most loving thing I have ever done for myself.”
“Dr. Sam is a very compassion, intuitive, and skilled healer. I spent several weeks in Palm Springs from another city, where I had a number of ketamine treatments. He built on the foundation I arrived with and advanced my healing to the place I had hoped. His approach is holistic. He had other resources to offer that have proven to be effective adjuncts to my healing journey.”
“I had treatment resistant depression for many years. Typical SSRI medications did not work well for me, and I even had 36 TMS treatments which did not work at all. Talk therapy helped me manage my symptoms, but never got rid of the problem. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to discover Reset Ketamine. I can honestly say that Dr. Ko and his wonderful staff changed my life, and the ketamine treatments gave me my life back. Unlike other doctors I’ve seen in the past, I wasn’t just handed a prescription and sent away. The treatment sessions are done in a very soothing, caring, healing, and professional environment. I encourage anyone struggling with depression and/or anxiety to give Reset Ketamine a try, it really worked for me.”
“Super professional and patient. Greatest decision of my life. Dr. Ko and his team are A+. They also make sure you are a compatible fit with this new treatment. They truly care.”
In this patient interview, our patient talks about his years of struggle and feelings of anxiety with his PTSD. Plus, how, through ketamine therapy and our holistic approach, he was able to achieve overall healing and self-love.