We will be posting a series of interviews from patients who have been treated at Reset Ketamine by Dr. Ko. To protect patient privacy, all responses are anonymous. We hope their answers will provide you some insights about ketamine treatments.
How did you find out about ketamine infusion treatments, and how did you decide to choose this as a treatment option?
I heard about the ketamine infusion treatments when I went over to a friend's house that I had not seen in 10 years. During the evening, she proceeded to tell me about her treatments with Dr. Ko. My boyfriend and I were amazed with her stories and her noticeable change in personality. I learned that since I had last seen her, she had become almost bedridden from pain as well. Not only was her demeanor transformed from the last time I saw her, but she seemed very happy and pain-free. So, I decided to start researching this type of therapy myself since I had been having some issues.
What is the history of your mental health, and what other treatments did you try before ketamine?
Over the past few years I have been more anxious, angry and depressed. Recently, I started realizing that I was perimenopausal. So, I started to go to counseling sessions and contacted my doctor to possibly start on antidepressants. I was prescribed Prozac, but I didn’t want to start taking medications for the rest of my life to control these issues.
What was your intention or goal for the ketamine infusions?
My main intention of the ketamine treatments was to be at PEACE with myself and have more PATIENCE.
How did you feel going into your first infusion?
On my way to the first ketamine treatment, I was very nervous and anxious. I was worried that the ketamine would be too strong and I would lose control over my thoughts and body. My boyfriend was very reassuring and calming for me.
Did you experience any side effects from the treatment?
I did not have any negative side effects from the ketamine. Surprisingly, by the time I was getting into the car, I felt totally normal. The only thing that was left was a sense of clarity and PEACE.
What was the ketamine infusion experience like for you?
I felt a strange, odd sense and feeling starting to move through my body. Dreamlike, spiritual, floating, “near-death” experience at times. I thought I would be scared, but I never was. I always felt safe. I knew that Dr. Ko and his staff were always in the room monitoring and writing down anything I said or did. It was like lucid dreaming, but I was awake.
What was one of your most memorable experiences during the treatment?
Almost every single one of my treatments blew my mind, but the first experience with ketamine immediately had me confronting one of my deep-seeded issues of not being “good enough or worthy”. Within minutes I was transported back to my first confession, where I was sitting in a face-to-face confession with the pastor. Everything was so clear and real even though this was about 40 years ago. After I read through my list of “sins,” he told me that there were not enough prayers to save me. I was sobbing as I returned to the pews, but during the treatment when I got back I said, “I am OK. I am good enough.” At this point, the pastor pixelated and disappeared (like I had overcome and defeated an enemy or monster). I confronted, then moved on.
What’s one of the lessons you’ve gained from your experience from the treatment?
One of the lessons I learned from my 3rd treatment was to LISTEN better and SPEAK with intention.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering ketamine infusion treatments?
This was the best gift I could have ever given myself. I was so worried and concerned about the money and finances of it UNTIL…. I got in the car after my first session and stated “No regrets. It’s worth every penny!”
What stands out in your mind about your experience with Dr. Ko & Reset Ketamine?
Dr. Ko’s treatment was an intentional, holistic approach. He incorporates the use of your senses by using essential oils tailored to your preferences and a music playlist that unblocks your chakras...all while the ketamine is working its magic to RESET your neurological pathways under his professional guidance; the perfect setting.
My sister who lives in a different state decided to get ketamine therapy as well. We didn’t plan it, but we ended up getting it on the same exact day. We had two totally different experiences. She was in a room with three other people all getting the same treatment. Most people were getting the infusion and scrolling through Facebook on their phones while waiting for the ketamine to work. No intention setting, essential oils, music, or discussion. My sister had a totally different and less effective treatment. Dr. Ko was nice enough to send her his personal therapeutic playlist to her so she could benefit from it as well.
Discover how chess reveals powerful life lessons about status, purpose, and impermanence—and how ketamine therapy helps shift perspective to what truly matters.