We will be posting a series of interviews from patients who have been treated at Reset Ketamine by Dr. Ko. To protect patient privacy, all responses are anonymous. We hope their answers will provide you some insights about ketamine treatments.
How did you find out about ketamine infusion treatments, and how did you decide to choose this as a treatment option?
My therapist in Palm Springs, CA worked with my psychiatrist to find Reset Ketamine. They had both recommended ketamine as a treatment for persistent, severe depression and communicated with Dr. Ko to get me into treatment. We had thought I’d have to travel to receive the treatments, but when they found Dr. Ko right here in the Coachella Valley, we were all relieved that I could receive treatment near my home.
What is the history of your mental health, and what other treatments did you try before ketamine?
I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since 2002, and I’ve taken a tricyclic antidepressant since then. In the mid 2000s, I sank into a deep depression that required Zyprexa to get me back on track, but I was able to titrate off that drug within a year or so. By the middle of 2019, I was back in an incredibly dark place, and I needed something powerful to bring me out of it. The choices were to enter an intensive treatment program or try ketamine, and ketamine turned out to be the most effective thing I’ve ever done for my anxiety and depression.
What was your intention or goal for the ketamine infusions?
My intention was to feel better and get back to living my life.
How did you feel going into your first infusion?
I was incredibly nervous, but hopeful, about my first infusion. Anything new can be anxiety-producing, and I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. But Dr. Ko is confidence inspiring. He obviously knows what he’s doing; his space is beautiful and peaceful. He’s an emergency room physician, so I felt the very highest level of healthcare was in the room if anything went wrong. I also watched his videos about the process, which were very helpful in terms of what to expect.
Did you experience any side effects from the treatment?
Nothing negative; only positives.
What was the ketamine infusion experience like for you?
For me, it’s very peaceful and a respite for my constantly spinning brain. As an anxious person in a stressful profession, as well as a husband, father and son, my mind is always going, and my infusions are a much-needed break (a reset?) from my routine. Dr. Ko creates a playlist of meditative music to play in the headphones he provides, and each patient has their own eye and face mask. He also guides the infusions by setting intentions at the beginning and provides different scents during the process that promote peace and calm. It’s a spa-like atmosphere that’s very healing, and it’s the ultimate “me” time. During the infusions, I see beautiful lights and colors, but I never feel out of control - it’s very peaceful, calm and meditative. I really look forward to my infusions because they are the one thing I do that is all about me.
What was one of your most memorable experiences during the treatment?
Each one is memorable because I get something more and different from each one. I believe my third infusion was when I realized a profound shift had interrupted my thinking - I was calm, clear and present. I also noticed that the severe nausea I was having as a result of my heightened state of anxiety was gone. That’s when I learned that ketamine was healing my gut as well - an unintended, but welcome, side effect.
What’s one of the lessons you’ve gained from your experience from the treatment?
Being open-minded. I was anxious about the first treatment, but I found that each of the following infusions left me feeling better and better. That was because I was more open to the treatment and the healing - getting into the right open-minded headspace before (and after) the infusion makes all the difference for me.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering ketamine infusion treatments?
Be open to the experience - it’s a very safe, peaceful, relaxing time for yourself - enjoy it fully. Also, follow Dr. Ko’s pre-infusion advice (be gentle with yourself, create space and calm around yourself before and after the infusion and expect to come out of it feeling better).
What stands out in your mind about your experience with Dr. Ko & Reset Ketamine?
For me, it’s been transformational - Dr. Ko is an obviously skilled and capable clinician, but I think he’s found his true calling in this therapeutic work. His approach to medicine embraces both the Western and Eastern traditions, and for me, that is very rare...and powerful. He and his staff make me feel safe, cared for and seen as a whole person, and we can all benefit from that.
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