The cellphone is an amazing tool. But sometimes this tool can actually become overwhelming. We're constantly checking it, thinking about it, and it has become our master.
Sometimes our minds are very similar to our phones. Just like our phones, our mind is an amazing tool. Our mind can help us solve problems, create art, and do amazing things. But sometimes the mind can also be overwhelming.
“The mind is a wonderful servant but terrible master” - Robin S. Sharma
There is power in shutting down and giving yourself a break from all the mental stress.
One of the things that I've been learning recently is the power of shutting down the mind and powering down the "iPhone." This is really important to give yourself a break. What I mean by shutting down is not checking your phone, letting go of thoughts, observing it, and just letting it be.
Let’s be honest, it can be hard to turn off our minds and turn off our phones. But you can simply be the observer of the mind. Think of this analogy: your mind is like a dog, attached to a leash, running all over the place and you're following it, holding the leash. That's going to be pretty challenging to chase because you're attached to the mind.
On the other hand, if you take off your dog’s leash and release it to the backyard, you can sit back and you don't have to be attached to it. Your dog will have the freedom to run all over the place without you having to constantly chase it.
Similarly, when your mind is on overdrive and thinking about the past and the future, don’t chase it and get attached. Simply observe it and allow it to think those thoughts. You don't have to control it. Give it free reign so that it's going all around in the backyard and you're simply observing it.
Learning to disconnect from your phone and your thoughts allows you to create meaningful relationships with those around you.
Just like your phone, when you hear the “notifications” or the little updates in your mind, just let it be. You can observe it, but you don't necessarily have to be attached to it. When we learn to disconnect ourselves from our phones and our thoughts, we are able to become more self-aware and create more meaningful relationships.
In a world full of distractions, learning to unplug yourself from social media can also help clear your thoughts so you don’t become a servant to your mind.
So let me know how this practice goes for you. Let me know if you have any questions or comments below.