Our brain is typically hardwired based on our past experiences and traumas. But just like clay, we can mold and shape it to become better through treatments such as ketamine infusions. Find out in this blog how ketamine acts as a catalyst for change to transform our brains.
Just like clay, our brain can be hard and rigid at first. But once heated, can become malleable and open to change.
A Metaphor For How Ketamine Works on Our Brain
Recently we learned about a great metaphor of how psychedelics like ketamine work on the brain. Think of your brain being like clay. Over a period of time the clay will become hard and very difficult to work with. But what you can do is heat up the clay so that it will warm and become more malleable. Just like the hardened clay, our minds can become hard and rigid over time. The beliefs, stories we tell ourselves, and thought patterns we have can become hard set. But that doesn’t mean we can’t change.
At a biological scientific level, ketamine can actually change the structure of your brain.
Ketamine & How It “Molds” Your Brain
It’s possible that ketamine works on the glutamate neurotransmitters. What ketamine does is that it prevents a receptor called N-methyl D-aspartate Receptor (NMDA) from being activated by the glutamate. This results in an increase in brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). An increase in BDNF allows for increased neuroplasticity and synaptic connections to form.
Ketamine at a biological scientific level actually changes the structure of your brain - molding it anew. This is similar to us heating the "clay" of the brain. Some studies have shown that with chronic depression and pain, the brain tissue actually changes, and therefore ketamine with its neuroplastic effect, could reverse or even “reset” the brain. Isn’t that amazing!?!
Ketamine can induce psychedelic experiences which can be catalysts for better change.
Psychedelic Ketamine & How It “Reforms” Your Mind
Beyond the physical level, ketamine can induce a non-ordinary state of consciousness, also known as a psychedelic experience. The psychedelic experience can “shake up” our beliefs and stories, and give a new perspective. The experience can be a catalyst for change that can support new behaviors and habits. This can support better thinking too.
You can learn all about the importance of psychedelic experiences during ketamine infusions at our blog.
What you choose to do during the period after your ketamine treatment is important.
What To Do With This “New” Brain After Ketamine Infusions
What you want to do in this period of time after you receive the ketamine treatment is to make the most of it. This can last for a day up to four days after treatment. Now you have a malleable brain from the benefits of neuroplasticity. And so it's the optimal time to create new habits, new ways of thinking, new stories that are going to empower you and serve you at its highest level.