
Ketamine Therapy & Challenging Your Limiting Beliefs

Ketamine Therapy & Challenging Your Limiting Beliefs

While ketamine infusions are a catalyst in transforming your life for the better, true healing happens when you work inwards. This means letting go of limiting beliefs that have been stopping you from moving on and living a new life. In this blog, we talk about some questions that will help you let go of these beliefs. 

How To Clear Your Mind With A Brain Dump Exercise

How To Clear Your Mind With A Brain Dump Exercise

There are days when you wake up and your long to-do list makes you anxious and overwhelmed. On days like this, there’s a simple but powerful exercise you can do to help you start prioritizing and take control of your day. In this blog, we talk about this practice called a brain dump.

Change The World By Cleaning Your Room

Change The World By Cleaning Your Room

Life at times can be so full of challenges, making it hard to feel in control. You feel overwhelmed at all the things you want to change. In this blog, we talk about why, to change the things around you, you need to start by cleaning your room.

How To Make The Most Of Your Morning

How To Make The Most Of Your Morning

Productive mornings are a great way to start your day, even if you consider yourself a night owl. In this blog, we talk about some powerful habits from the book “Miracle Morning” to help you make the most of your mornings and change your life for the better.

Does It Matter If You Can't Remember Your Ketamine Experience?

Does It Matter If You Can't Remember Your Ketamine Experience?

During your ketamine experience, you may be pressured to try to remember everything. There could be so much going on that if you forget even the slightest of detail, you get discouraged. So, does it really matter if you can’t remember everything? Learn more in our blog post.

What's The Best Mindset For Ketamine Treatments?

What's The Best Mindset For Ketamine Treatments?

Ketamine treatments can be rapidly effective in a significant number of patients suffering from depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. However, there are some patients who seem to do better than others. In addition to an appropriate environment, preparation, and integration afterwards, the right mindset going into a ketamine treatment is crucial.

These are the three MENTAL factors that support patients’ improvement from the ketamine treatments:

Reset Ketamine Interview - Where East Meets West

Reset Ketamine Interview - Where East Meets West

What stands out in your mind about your experience with Dr. Ko & Reset Ketamine?

For me, it’s been transformational - Dr. Ko is an obviously skilled and capable clinician, but I think he’s found his true calling in this therapeutic work. His approach to medicine embraces both the Western and Eastern traditions, and for me, that is very rare...and powerful. He and his staff make me feel safe, cared for and seen as a whole person, and we can all benefit from that.