
Why You Want To Avoid Negativity After A Ketamine Infusion: A Scientific Study Blog

Why You Want To Avoid Negativity After A Ketamine Infusion: A Scientific Study Blog

In this blog post, we explore a recent scientific study about the power of positivity following a ketamine infusion and its impact on treatment-resistant depression. Discover why it's crucial to surround yourself with positive influences to enhance your mood and take full advantage of ketamine's effect on neuroplasticity.

Why You Need More Than Ketamine To Get Better

Why You Need More Than Ketamine To Get Better

There is no doubt that ketamine is a transformational medicine, but it takes more than ketamine for you to get better. Read our blog to learn more about how you can make your ketamine journey as impactful and life-changing as possible.

What Is the ACE Model And Why Is it Important in Psychedelic Therapy?

What Is the ACE Model And Why Is it Important in Psychedelic Therapy?

In psychedelic therapy, such as ketamine infusions, speaking with a therapist can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we talk about a study that determines the importance of utilizing a psychological flexibility model, called the ACE model, for therapists to guide patients throughout their psychedelic journey.

Ketamine’s Ability to Treat Depression Through Increasing Brain Connectivity

Ketamine’s Ability to Treat Depression Through Increasing Brain Connectivity

Despite the wide array of drugs available to treat depression, there are still patients who remit and those who remain unresponsive. Can ketamine be a more effective option? In this blog post, we talk about a study regarding this matter and what they found.

Ketamine's Impact on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Ketamine's Impact on Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

According to the World Health Organization, depression has now surpassed HIV, AIDS, malaria, diabetes, and war as the leading cause of disability. Current antidepressants may take weeks to months to be effective. Unfortunately, one-third of patients are still unresponsive, and are called “treatment-resistant.” However, there are other options available.

Ketamine's Connection to Neurons

Ketamine's Connection to Neurons

Researchers hypothesize that neurogenesis, or neuron growth, is an antidepressant action. This hypothesis is linked to the understanding that nearly all antidepressants increase birth of granule neurons in rodents. Ketamine, however, has such rapid antidepressant effects, within hours, suggesting that the mechanisms involved with ketamine are not involved with neuron birth. Instead, researchers hypothesized that ketamine’s rapid effects are due to it enhancing the maturation of neurons born previously.

Ketamine for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Ketamine for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a painful, disabling neurological condition. Previously known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), it affects 1.2% of the adult chronic pain population. Women are affected more than men, with a 3:1 ratio. CRPS can develop after trauma, minor injuries, or surgery. The signs and symptoms are classically clustered into four groups.

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

How Ketamine Makes Your Brain “Re-Grow”

Imagine a lush green forest, filled with many trees with numerous branches.  Now, imagine the opposite. The same trees, but instead brown and with branches falling off. These trees are now dying out. This forest is now sparse due to repeated fires, harsh weather, and pollution. The forest is functioning below what it could, and producing less oxygen and food for the creatures it protects.