Today, we’d like to share with you one tool that you can use to check-in with yourself if you aren’t feeling that great. There are absolutely times you may need a major intervention, but there are many times when you just need to step back and assess a few simple factors that may play a role in your current mood. Using the HALT acronym will help you assess what needs attention.
So what exactly does H.A.L.T. stand for?
- We’re sure you heard of the term “hangry”. When you are hungry, truly hungry, it’s your body telling you that you need more fuel. When your glucose is low or you need more calories, your brain doesn’t work as well as it could. You wouldn’t drive your car on fumes only, so why would you do the same to yourself? So if you notice you’re feeling off, check-in with yourself. Is it time to get a snack or a meal? If you answer “yes”, go get something to eat then see how you feel afterward.
- Anger can get your adrenaline flowing in your bloodstream causing you to say and/or do things that can hurt others. Sometimes that anger can be turned inward. Unfortunately, when we are not connected with our emotions, we may not even be conscious that we are feeling anger. So if you are feeling off, you can ask yourself some questions: Am I angry? Did something just happen that violated my values and/or principles? Do I feel like I have been wronged?
If yes, healthfully express your anger by journaling, yelling into a pillow, going for a workout, or talking with a trusted friend, then see how you feel after.
- Feeling isolated, disconnected, or misunderstood can make you feel lonely. Feeling separate or alone can really bring a person down. Humans are designed to be social creatures and live within a community. If you are feeling down, ask yourself if you are feeling lonely. If so, make a phone call to a trusted family or friend. Connect with someone in person. Talk with a counselor. Check-in with yourself after connecting.
Tired or Thirsty:
- Just like food, your body runs on sleep and water. You may be feeling off because you didn’t get enough rest. Sleep is critical to help recharge your mind and repair your body. (Read our 12 Sleep Tips & Hacks here). If you can, try to take a nap and get to bed earlier. See how you feel after the rest. You may notice your outlook is a lot brighter.
Your body is made up of 55-60% water. Naturally, a body not properly hydrated will not be able to function properly. When did you last drink a tall glass of water? If it’s been a while or your not sure, go drink some water and check to see how you feel after being fully hydrated.
It’s easy to brush these factors off. But over time, ignoring your needs will get you out of the habit of taking care of them, and may worsen your feelings to a greater level. So take a moment to stop and ask yourself the H.A.L.T questions now.
Explore Stellate Ganglion Blocks (SGBs) as a non-hormonal option for hot flashes. Learn how they work, who they help, and what to expect.