This blog is a transcript of the above video, edited for readability and includes additional content.
In this blog post, explore the transformative potential of ketamine infusion therapy for those with PTSD, anxiety, depression, or chronic pain. Plus, discover how this form of psychedelic therapy can help you gain a deeper understanding of life's lessons.
We all know life can be challenging, especially when facing emotional or physical pain. Part of overcoming these challenges is having a supportive mindset or perspective. In this blog, we explore why looking at life as if it were a school can help you overcome difficulties.
By adapting a mindset that just like in school, life is all about learning, you’ll be able to face challenges in a different light.
Life Is School: Time to Learn
I want to share with you a mental model that I have found particularly useful. This mental model is to think about life as school.
Think about life this way: what if we come down to this planet Earth to learn, grow, and to graduate from the school of life? Now as you know, school can be full of challenging tests and homework. We also have to face challenging people in our experience at school.
What if life is like school and we are also here in this world to learn and to grow? When facing challenges, adopting this mindset can help by asking yourself, “What can I learn from this?”
Sometimes, when we learn from our mistakes in life, the lessons are deeper than we think.
How Does This Perspective Relate to Ketamine Treatments?
As you may know, the lessons of life will just keep showing up over and over again until we ingrain that lesson into our heart and mind. Perhaps you find yourself getting into relationships with the same type of people who inevitably hurt you. Have you, or anyone you know, ever said, “Wherever I go, the drama seems to find me”?
Applying this perspective we have shared above, think about this as the school of life giving you the same lesson to learn from. Oftentimes, the lesson is deeper than you think and what you learn is just the tip of the iceberg. It is what’s underneath that you truly need to learn and know. For many of us, it’s hard to get to that deeper level. Sometimes, it’s related to repressed memories from childhood or past traumatic events. That is where ketamine treatments could be of service to you.
During the ketamine infusion experience, you could have a non-ordinary aka psychedelic experience which gives you a new perspective of this certain life lesson you seem to keep getting. It allows you to go deep, potentially uncovering what is repressed or pulling you out to get a birds eye view on the situation. Sometimes you could have a more subtle experience or an experience you feel is totally unrelated to your life lesson. Each ketamine experience is unique and beautifully unpredictable.
We can never avoid challenges, so it’s helpful that we view these as lessons to be learned instead.
Becoming A Student of Life
This mental model is a metaphor and perspective that will help you face challenges in your life. Challenges in life are inevitable, so when you think of these as lessons in life, you’ll be constantly learning and growing.
Ketamine infusion therapy may offer a unique opportunity to uncover deeper lessons, address recurring issues, and overcome emotional and physical pain through a new perspective. So when facing a new challenge in life, do your best to embrace it and learn from it.
Related Questions:
How can ketamine infusion therapy help me uncover the deeper lessons in my life and address recurring issues?
During the psychedelic experience you can see past experiences or events from a different experience. For some of our patients, they have reported they viewed a past event from the perspective of a third party or from a different mindset. Sometimes the ketamine experience can be like diving into the unconscious mind, like seeing the rest of the iceberg under the water. Think of the iceberg above the water as the conscious mind. For some, it is in the unconscious mind that these recurring issues are stuck.
What kind of experiences can I expect during a ketamine infusion, and how do they relate to my personal growth?
There are four different categories of ketamine infusion experiences: empathogenic, out-of-body, near-death, and ego-dissolving transcendental. Experiencing these non-ordinary states of being can contribute to a state change, or dramatic change in perspective on your life. A way to think about this is how a traumatic life altering experience has changed the trajectory of your life. Now, having a safe and supportive transcendental psychedelic experience can have a similar effect for the positive.
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