We will be posting a series of interviews from patients who have been treated at Reset Ketamine. To protect patient privacy, all responses are anonymous. We hope their answers will provide you some insights about ketamine treatments.
How did you find out about ketamine infusion treatments, and how did you decide to choose this as a treatment option?
I read a lot about current issues, especially advances in mental health. I’d read about ketamine treatments for about three years. It piqued my interest from the beginning.
What is the history of your mental health, and what other treatments did you try before ketamine?
I had a dysfunctional and narcissist family history and had been in therapy for many years. I was open to trying new approaches. Some were successful, some not.
What was your intention or goal for the ketamine infusions?
I thought I had rehashed my family history enough and could feel some residual effects that I believed would only lighten by an external source. I wasn't sure. I was delighted to find a clinic in the Desert. I had no idea what to expect. I am relatively adventuresome and curious so since it was nearby, I thought I would meet the doctor and see if it was a fit.
Did you experience any side effects from the treatment?
None. A little out of it the first day, but nothing thereafter.
What was the ketamine infusion experience like for you?
It got me in touch with myself on a biological level.
It helped me let go of blaming and having to know the answers.
It helped me to accept.
What was one of your most memorable experiences during the treatment?
Feeling that I could relax so deeply that the inner body and outer body were one in the same.
What’s one of the lessons you’ve gained from your experience from the treatment?
Let it go! Small issues come and go. Also, I deserve to be around positive energy. Negativity will not serve me well. It reminded me how natural felt and to stay with that by letting go in order to retrain my mind to know what good feels like.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering ketamine infusion treatments?
You have to be open-minded. It is impossible to describe what it does. But in Dr. Ko's clinic you are well tended in every respect from music, chair, aroma, and monitoring. I found it life-altering.
What stands out in your mind about your experience with Dr. Ko and Reset Ketamine?
Dr. Ko and his assistant are monitoring the entire time. I never had to tone anything down. He advanced the ketamine dose according to my tolerance and ability to let go.
Anything else you’d like to share?
It's about letting go! If you know you have that ability, you will be happy with it.
I am very happy with the stable results and how I took this mindset into my community and relationships.
Discover how ketamine therapy in Palm Springs can support your healing. Learn about treatment, preparation, aftercare, and integration for the best results.