
When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

When Should I Not Get a Ketamine Infusion?

Although Ketamine is a great alternative treatment option, it may not be for everyone. Because of how powerful Ketamine can be, certain conditions or medications may not react well with the infusion. Making it harmful to some individuals. A Ketamine experience should be a healing experience. That is why it is important to know If Ketamine may or may not be an option for you.

My 8 Favorite Sleep Tools [UPDATED]

My 8 Favorite Sleep Tools [UPDATED]

Have you ever noticed that you are not really your best self when you don’t get enough sleep? You may notice yourself being curt and impatient with others. You may even feel more sad, jumpy, or worried on days without adequate rest. On these days, it seems like our daily problems are insurmountable. However, when you finally do get a good night’s rest, you may notice a fresh perspective on life.

Why Don't Insurance Companies Cover Ketamine Treatments?

Why Don't Insurance Companies Cover Ketamine Treatments?

To simplify the question, we will limit the discussion to ketamine and its role in depression.

The short answers are: 1) Unawareness of ketamine as a treatment 2) Ketamine is not FDA approved for mood disorders 3) Ketamine is considered an experimental or investigational drug

But to leave it at this doesn’t fully explain it. To explore more, let’s do a deeper dive into each of these answers.

How To Bring Up Ketamine Infusions With Your Doctor

How To Bring Up Ketamine Infusions With Your Doctor

You’ve read up about ketamine. Maybe you have a friend or acquaintance who's gotten better thanks to ketamine. You’re ready to try ketamine infusions and you want to talk to your doctor but not sure how to go about it without getting an immediate dismissal. Well we got you covered and have a suggestion on how to bring up ketamine treatments with your doctor.

Just Breathe: A Helpful Guide To Manage Your Anxiety During The Pandemic

Just Breathe: A Helpful Guide To Manage Your Anxiety During The Pandemic

Let’s face it, life can be stressful. And at times with so much information at our fingertips, it can get overwhelming, really quick, really fast. Constantly refreshing our phones for new updates. All while trying to grasp what may be happening around our community, the nation, and around the world.

The Importance of Self Love

The Importance of Self Love

For some patients, I notice that they have a hard time loving themselves. I believe that self-love is a critical component of healing. However, it can be difficult to do in our society today. The message we get is that “You are not good enough, but if you buy X, Y, and Z, then it will make you worthy of love.”